Asus-Merlin Setup Guide

Follow this guide to configure your Merlin flashed router

1. Login to your router via the web interface and select the VPN link under Advanced Settings on the left side of the page; Go to OpenVPN client tab

2. Basic Settings:

Available ports: 443, 8080, 8888
Protocols: TCP or UDP

3. Advanced Settings

4. Enter these settings in the “Custom Configuration” field

keepalive 10 120
remote-cert-tls server

Apply the changes and you’re done with this section!

5. Open the Keys & Certificates link in Crypto Settings; Download the key file

Copy the Certificate Authority, Client Certificate and Client Key, including the —– BEGIN xxx —– / —– END xxx —– lines, into the correct fields. Static Key will be left blank


6. Apply the changes and you’re done! Go back to the Client page and set the service state to “On”